A former pilot in the Air Force, Lauren Myers transitioned from Active Duty to the Reserves when she and her husband decided to have children. She didn’t think she would ever find another professional opportunity that satisfied her the way the military had. After being introduced to the products and business by a college friend, Lauren was initially skeptical but eventually came to understand the strength of the Rodan + Fields® brand and the quality of the products. “I was finally in the right place at the right time, and I didn’t want to have regrets down the road because I didn’t take the chance. I really trusted the credibility of the company and so I jumped in and became an Independent Consultant.”

Working 15-20 hours each week, her R+F business has provided a way for Lauren to find the right balance between her family’s needs, their financial responsibilities and her desire for a professional life. “I don’t think I would have found a way to do that with any other opportunity out there. And, when I need to take a step back and focus on my family, I have the flexibility to do so.”

Lauren especially thrives on the supportive community she has found in R+F, and it reminds her of the tight community she had in the military. “I love the success stories from my team,” says Lauren, noting that helping them change their lives for the better is an important aspect of her business. Lauren says she is most proud of providing a vehicle for her team members to achieve their goals. “My business has really shown me that personal success comes when we help others to be successful.”